Solving some import problems version 1.0

1. Export from DAZ Studio

In this tutorial we will describe some problems that can appear and how to get around them. It will also illustrate the use of a few more buttons in the Setup panel.

We will use the same Ana character as in the previous tutorial, but this time her daytime work as a warrior is over and she is ready for more nocturnal activities. To the nude mesh with hair we add earrings and genitalia, which both will cause problems during Blender import. We also add a top and shorts (hidden in the illustration below), primarily because I am unsure how Blogger reacts to nudity.

Note that the earrings are bone parented to the Head bone. Save the character ana-night.duf and export the corresponding Wavefront and Collada files, ana-night.obj and ana-night.dae.

2. Import into Blender

Import ana-night.duf into Blender as described in the previous tutorial, settings the Clothes Fitting option to either Obj File or Dae File. If Clothes Fitting were set to None, both the earrings and the genitalia would be placed correctly, but then all the shaping is lost.

Here is the result of fitting to the Wavefront file. We notice that both the earrings and the genitals are displaced vertically, but in different directions. The top of the earrings are located above the ear, wheras the genitals are hanging below the crotch.

Here is the result of Collada import. The genitals are located correctly, but the earrings are closed to the ground.

We will use the first case, fitting to the obj file, despite the fact that it did not succeed with neither the earrings nor the genitalia. Let us first understand the origin of the problem. Ana has longer legs than the default character, and therefore there is a vertical offset between the original and final locations. In the earrings this vertical offset is counted twice. First, the vertex locations in the obj file are offset, and second, the Head bone has moved the same distance. Since the earrings are parented to the Head bone, the origin of the earring mesh has moved away from the origin.

This problem is easily fixed. Snap Cursor to Center, select both earrings, and snap Selection to Cursor. The earring objects are now centered at the origin, and the earrings are correctly placed hanging in the earlobes.

The DAZ importer failed to find the genitalia object in ana-night.obj, because DAZ Studio's Wavefront exporter does not export genitals as a separate object, but merges it with the body mesh in some complicated manner. Fortunately, we know that the Collada exporter does export the genitals correctly, so we can use the vertex location from there. Move to an unused layer and invoke the built-in Collada importer (File > Import > Collada (Default) (*.dae)) and import ana-night.dae with the default settings.

Two things are very striking with the imported character: the earrings are huge and not parented to the RootNode, and the character is very small. No wonder the DAZ importer failed to fit the earrings correctly!

Delete the useless earrings and select the RootNode object. The Collada importer converts locations to meters, presumably because it is maintained by the Second Life community which uses meters. Since the DAZ importer uses decimeters by default, the RootNode object must be scaled ten times. If you have imported a character using some other scale than 0.1, the scale factor must be changed accordingly.

Select the Collada genitals and Clear Parent, while Keeping Transformation. Because the other Collada objects are not needed anymore, invert the selection on the Collada layer and delete the rest.

Enable both the Collada layer and the layer used by DAZ importer. Select the Collada genitalia, and then shift-select the other genitalia to make it active. It is easy to distingish between the two genital meshes, because the one imported by the DAZ importer belongs to a group and is green, whereas the Collada genitalia does not and is orange.

Press the Fit Mesh To Other button. The green mesh now snaps to the orange one.

The orange genitals have served their purpose and can now be deleted. The mesh name should end with "-skinInstance", because that is the convention used by of the Collada exporter.

It turns out that the fitted genitalia no longer is a child of the Ana rig. This appears to be a bug and should be fixed in future.

As the the previous tutorial, we next select all armatures and press Merge Rigs. There is no need for extra care about the feet, because Ana has taken off her boots.

Select the genitals and import morphs.

Load all morphs belonging to the genitalia mesh. I should have changed the category from the default General to Genitalia, but forgot to do so. Unfortunately, this mistake is not so easy to correct afterwards.

Now select both the character and the genitals meshes, and press Merge Anatomy. The importer figures out which mesh is a character by looking at its fingerprint (the number of vertices, edges and faces), so selection order is not important.

The genitalia is now merged with the body mesh. The hidden crotch vertices in the original body mesh have been removed, and duplicates along the genitalia border have been removed, making the integration of the two meshes seamless.

The merged mesh keeps the genitalia materials and shapekeys. The shapekeys are controlled by rig properties in the Custom Morphs panel, under the category General (since I forgot to change that when the morphs were imported).