Utilities Panel


Decode File

DAZ files (.duf, .dsf) are really the JSON files, often gzipped to reduce disk space.  JSON is a ASCII format that can be viewed in a text editor, but gzipped files are binary. Select a DAZ file in the file selector, and an uncompressed text file is created in the same directory. If the original file is called foo.duf or foo.dsf, the text file is called foo.txt.

 Information About Active Object

  • Name. The object's name.
  • ID. Identifier that uniquely defines the object in DAZ Studio.
  • URL. Path to the .duf/.dsf file which contains the objects definition. This is useful e.g. for loading morphs, which are usually located nearby.
  • Rig Type. If the active object is an armature of recognized type.
  • Mesh Type. If the active object is a mesh of recognized type, or if it is an armature and a child is recognized.
  • Unit Scale. The scale that the object was imported with, i.e. the Unit Scale field in the import options.
  • Print Statistics. If the active object is a mesh, print the number of vertices, edges, and faces in the terminal window.
The ID and URL fields can often be quite long. If you need to see the full values, you can stretch the panel to the right, but it is usually more convenient to simply hover with the mouse over the property.