Visibility version 1.2

  • Create Mask Modifiers. For the active mesh, create a mask modifier for each mesh child of its parent rig, except for the active mesh itself. Typically the active mesh is a character and mask modifier is created for each piece of clothing.
  • Create Masks And Modifiers. As above, but also create empty vertex groups for each masking mesh.
  • Add Visibility Drivers. For the active rig, create drivers for viewport and render visibility of each mesh child. Also create drivers for mask modifiers.
  • Remove Visibility Drivers. Remove drivers and properties.

Parts of the skin is covered by clothes, but the character mesh is still there right below. This may be a problem because the skin may poke through the clothes in some places. The simplest solution is simply to delete the hidden vertices. This is also the best option if you know that the character will always be dressed in the same way, because removing vertices will increase performance. However, if Ana will take off some of her clothes at some stage, it will look strange if there is no body beneath.

Another solution is to use mask modifiers, and the DAZ importer provides some support to facilitate this. Select the mesh that will be covered by clothes, normally the character itself, and press Create Masks And Modifiers.

A mask modifier is created for each piece of clothing (for each child of the character's parent rig). The modifier uses a vertex group called "Mask_" + clothing name, and the corresponding empty vertex groups is also created.

A few DAZ assets are able to create the vertex groups automatically; this is the case if the corresponding .dsf file contains a "graft" structure. In particular, separate anatomy often has this property. If the vertex groups are already created during import, we could have pressed Create Mask Modifiers to create modifiers using the existing vertex groups.

So far the mask modifiers don't hide anything because the mask vertex groups are empty. In edit mode, select the vertices that should be hidden by the boots, and assign these vertices to the Mask_Boots vertex groups. When we toggle back into object mode, the skin under the boots is now invisible.

Repeat the procedure for the clothes that cover a significant part of the body, in this case the corset and the pants. Delete the superfluous mask modifiers and vertex groups. If we hide the clothes in object mode, we see the holes in Ana's body.

 Select the armature and press Add Visibility Drivers. Before doing this step, all low-poly meshes were deleted except for Ana_Lod2.

The Visibility panel appears at the bottom of the DAZ Runtime tab when the rig is selected. There is an entry for each mesh where its visibility can be toggled on and off. In the outliner you can see that the meshes' visibility in the viewport and in render are now driven, and the corresponding controls are purple. The mask modifiers are also controlled by these rig properties, so hiding a piece of clothing turns off the corresponding mask modifier.

Turn off the visibility of all meshes except for Ana_Lod2. We can now pose the character with moderate overhead. When it is time to render, the low-poly mesh can be switched off and all the high-poly meshes switched on. This procedure on works with file linking, because visibility is controlled by rig properties.